E Torneo di Tennis cu a conquista mi. Skirbi pa: Addonsito Croes PDF Print E-mail
Wednesday, 09 July 2008
Nos a ricibi un bunita relato di Addonsito Croes cu ta residencia na Hulanda y a bishita pa di 5 biaha e Torneo di Tennis mas grandi na Mundo cu ta Wimbledon. Addonsito kier a comparti su experencia nos bishitantenan.  
Nos atletanan ta jega nan final entre 14 - 16 anja di edad. PDF Print E-mail
Monday, 07 July 2008
Sr. Karel Arends ta trese su observacion y comentario deportivo dilanti y nos di SportAruba.com ta duna tur persona cu kier manda su relato ta welcome.
Sidney Ponson ta conta kiko a bai robes na Texas Rangers!!! PDF Print E-mail
Wednesday, 25 June 2008

Aki nos ta trese un entrevista cu nos Pitcher Arubiano Sidney Ponson a duna na Prensa Mericano. Un cost a sigur cu Sidney ta cla pa e reto nobo y ta concentra pa su futuro den New York Yankees. MOOSIC, Pa. - Sidney Ponson can be big trouble for opposing hitters and an even bigger pain in the backside for his own team. That is the unofficial scouting report on the 31-year-old right-hander as he prepares to join the Yankees for maybe the biggest start of his career, against the Mets in Friday's split doubleheader.

Sr. Karel Arends kiermeen trece Mayornan veld di Deporte y e Mucha lo beneficia!!! PDF Print E-mail
Tuesday, 24 June 2008
Nos di SportsAruba.com ta duna Sr. Karel Arends e oportunidad pa expresa su pensamento pa mehora nos muchanan den Deporte.
Karel Arends ta trese su precupacion cu nos Deporte di Baseball y Futbol!!! PDF Print E-mail
Thursday, 12 June 2008
Den Section di Entrevista nos ta publika un comunicado cu nos a ricibi for di Sr. Karel Arends. Den e relato Sr. Karel Arends kier a trese su precupacion pa cu nos Deporte.  
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